Re: Predictions for Scheme Spotlight
So with the reveals, the LTDs have no scheme on their cards, while the 95s do. Watch them let you put whichever scheme you want on the LTDs.
Re: Game changers strategy card ?
Each one requires having 2 Game Changer players in your lineup, and can be acquired in ANY game mode (yes, including Solo challenges).
Shifty (Play 5 games …
Re: Game changer h2h question?
Does that work? I'll try it in a bit lol.
Re: Game changer h2h question?
Yup, I'm with you 100%. This is what we need a nice group for to exchange quits lol. Cause this is patently absurd.
Re: Game changers strategy card ?
Just using MUT knowledge, the Game Changer (GC) strategy cards will likely only apply to GC cards. The weird thing is that I put one in and it didn't affect th…
Re: Game changer h2h question?
Seriously, even putting this in House Rules is fucked up. Four 5 minute quarters is obscene. I started one game to see what the deal was, and just quit out aft…
Re: 93 OVR BND Fantasy Pack (LVL 45)
Same 3 I got, and I didn't realize Calvin was an LTD. I probably still woulda taken Ben, as 1. Notre Dame, 2. I had him on my team auctionable, and 3. Calvin w…
Re: EA has to fix this
The way sheds are in this game (and Madden tbf), I can't believe I just read someone wants holding called on the OLine lol. Unless you're talking about regs or…
Re: CFB Training Rerolls
I rolled quite a bit of training. Started at like 50k (after QS Tahj Brooks) and ended up with 21k. Sole purpose was Cook, and I ended up with both he and Cata…
Re: Nightmares solos bugged (again)
Same thing happened to me, twice. I switched my active lineup and it worked fine both times. If you don't have any other lineups, I'm sure creating a new one w…
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