Re: Another Solid coin making method
Trading the auction house is much quicker and will net way more coins than this method. It takes maybe 2-3 minutes to make a sniper run and make at least 50k c…
Re: Legends fantasy pack
All packs are trash. Unless there's a glitched one, you should NEVER buy them. Trading the auction house is much easier and more productive.
Re: Why are all the cards going so high all the sudden? Stupid jump in price WTF
I play stock market simulator more than I do the actual game. I cornered a lot of the LTDs on PlayStation and raise the prices myself so I can make more money.
Re: QB/HB run heavy playbook?
Kansas or Penn State are what you're looking for.
Re: Coin Method
If you only have 687k coins, just trade the promos when they crash the market. Buy them on release and sell them back 20 percent higher the next day.
I'd st…
Re: RG3 or Young??
RG3 no contest
Re: Tackle in punt challenge?
Angle the kick low and to the side, it will bounce far enough to get the distance. User your gunner and pull him away from the ball if he is getting there befo…
Re: Fastest way to make coins
Lol well I consider 20 million low because I will lay out 10 million coins in a clip buying all of just one card. I laid out more than 10 million coins alone o…
Re: March ovr check
I think I'm missing 3 or 4 players who aren't 99s with chems and I have a little over 50 million in coins NMS. The trading opportunities this Rush have not bee…
Re: Fastest way to make coins
Valentine's Rush I absolutely CRUSHED. I only had a 20 million bank roll and I cornered every LTD market that I could.
Other than Te'o this time, I didn't f…
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