Just because your team is better doesn’t mean you should always win. I know a few people that could play with a 90 overall team against your 97 overall team an…
Ea isn’t lying about anything. They went to court and no one could find any evidence of it being in online gameplay. People are lying to themselves about how t…
I’m sorry but you sound ridiculous. You want a fair game but you’re talking bad about DDA? DDA is specifically designed to keep the games fair. I personally do…
I agree with you. It’s ridiculous how many people come to this site to complain about losing and then just blame DDA. No one can ever just admit that some peop…
Re: House Rules Game
I agree. That’s why I said if you lose yards you should lose a point. It would prevent players from getting to their sweet spot for a fg. Besides that the mode…
Re: House Rules Game
Who’s sweating playing these games lmao. The game mode is awesome. quick games and actually not that bad of rewards once you get to like 20 wins. The only thin…
Re: Cornerbacks
yea idk what that other dude was talking about. I have Pat, that igbu guy, burke and lattimore and Pat Pete makes the most plays for me. I don’t ever notice th…
Re: Cornerbacks
all I said was that Pat Pete was the best corner I’ve used. I have all 97-98 cbs (with chems) and Pat Pete plays way better than all of them. if you want to ch…
Re: Cornerbacks
Patrick Perterson is by far the the best cb ive used
Re: Hi i am no money spend and I strarted 3 months ago, how should i upgrade, buget is 1M
I would just keep stacking coins and wait for even better cards to drop. Your lineup is pretty good and to the point it’s not worth spending on players that ar…
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