It's ROOKIE Brady not GOAT Brady
I ditched Khan pretty quickly, his card and attributes are attractive but he doesn't play up to th…
That's what rush was, a GOLD RUSH! Spend entire bank on LTD the night before it's pulled, sell fol…
That's exactly what I've been doing too. I've really enjoyed RUSH for the profits more than even t…
I'd be happy to see 400 , we shouldn't see an overall increase until week after next so we could be…
I had khan , I sold his ass, the play rec was a huge flaw. I wanted to like him but didn't matter w…
Calling them the wrong names irritates the shit out of me.
Cmon you lazy clowns. Programming is yo…
That's a fair point, it was quite a while before he was added.
Vick at 240 currently, there migh…
I run Vick Brady Bush Moss with Mr Heisman and soon to add Rod.
All these LTDs are 50-80k rentals.…
Wish I would have bought Revis, but just wait till Friday when we get Amos mid 90s man&zone
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