Yeah, for whatever reason some refuse to see it. Not sure the motive but I was skeptical at first as well but like I said you know it when you see it. You can …
Everyone knows when you’re playing someone not as skilled in the game. I was up 21-0 at half just rolling. 2nd half 3 times corner/safety dropped easy ints. Th…
Re: Cabana store
Tried twice…never again.
Anyone else champ wins/losses not being counted?
I don’t follow enough to know if this is an issue but I’ve played 7 champ games and 2 of my wins have not been recorded. Should be 7-0. It’s happened multiple…
Anyone else had this happen?
Before half :08 left..the guy I’m playing is on his own 15, I run prevent d. His RGIII sits back breaks 2 sacks and then takes off running. Trying to get contr…
Re: People are ruining the game
Agreed. I’ll win my 14-15 champ games every week and conveniently never get over the hump. Funny part is, I finally caved and spent 50k coins 2 weeks ago just …
Re: Whos your Wr 1?
Greathouse with token is top level, Key is a beast, and Addison is ok. Got him bnd.
Re: Stardom Showdown Rewards Confusion
Go Irish!
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