Re: Did an experiment this week - SHOCKING RESULTS!
If they made the matchmaking like a casino can I at least get drunk while im getting tricked? 🤨
Re: lag switchers
On your opponents end their connection looks bad, because it was bad for a period of time. Imagine someone ducttaped a switch in the middle of your ethernet ca…
lag switchers
All you lag switchers need to get laid for once. Worst community
Re: Packs are nerfed
That would be envy.
Also bad bait. NMS teams do get hoed now with the team boosts
Re: Do people not own/operate multi screens in their dwellings?
Ask your mother troll lmao
Re: Do we really need to play S E V E N runs of solo seasons for those tokens to upgrade Restrepo?
Offside kickoff glitchy input and messing with the ai blocking assignments with a safety in double mug blitz is the only way to stay sane.
Or just stop play…
Re: Do people not own/operate multi screens in their dwellings?
Ipad baby brain lol
But yeah I also do it with a tablet.
If you feel the need to do this to play this mode maybe dont play the mode. Im close to making …
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