Minimum pricing for each rating?
Is there a chart somewhere that shows the minimum coin for each rated player? Thanks in advance..
Re: If you could put any cfb player in cut who would it be?
Justin Blackmon
Larry Fitzgerald
Terrell Owens
Jerome Bettis
King Henry
Jason Witten
Antonio Gates
How have they not fixed the squads glitch out?! Been happening for months!!! Everything we join, controller vibrate and it freezes on the load screen, so annoy…
Re: what do you want to see in season 5?
Squads 3v3 tournaments weekly!
Re: what do you want to see in season 5?
Weekly Saturday squads tournament, top 10 payouts per player.
Better BND packs during field pass (current season players 2 outta 3 cards and have one choice…
Re: What overall is your team
94 0 95 D
A booster once a month, other than that just working market for cheddar to buy these overpriced bums lol
Re: So sick of DDA
Not at all brother, nobody is perfect. Can lose any given day or game. The fact is that the game does stupid stuff. We could've had a pick to seal a win, hit t…
Re: So sick of DDA
He's 94 ovr 94 O and 94 D
Re: So sick of DDA
Man, I'm new to this mode. I have 94 ovr team 93 O 94 D. And my defense has been dropping interception, turning away from the ball carrier, not jumping for int…
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (12/9-12-15)
Nightmares before Christmas!!!!! LFG!!!
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