Re: Champs Glitch
I had the same thing happen last week. Won on a last second field goal, but it never showed up.
Re: Anyone spend Sand dollars yet?
I got a 50k coin card from one of the coin packs
Re: Fg block glitch?
I had a game winning kick blocked yesterday. My kickers animation was super slow. No idea why. But it seems to happen every now and then.
Re: Team help
Just my two cents but I would upgrade the cornerbacks. Look for ones with gold ball hawk or housecall.
on your wide receivers, I know Coleman has gold takeo…
Champs win didn’t count
Has this happened to anyone? I won a game in champs, but it doesn’t show in my win loss record. It just isn’t there at all.
I know it’s just one game b…
Re: Super Lucky Fortune Token
Yeah the options weren’t very compelling
Re: Super Lucky Fortune Token
I think maybe it opens up some other options in the cabana store. I checked the cabana store earlier today and there was just one item. I checked now that I ha…
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