Re: Weekly objectives missing
You're probably right. A makeright is pretty optimistic 😂
Re: Weekly objectives missing
I'm sure we'll all receive a victory formation pack that we can quick sell for 4k training
Re: Any reccomendations for this team?
I'd sell Emmit and Crawford. Bush is just as good. Crawford isn't worth the coins. After that, I'd personally consider building team and chemistry for the boos…
Re: Best pro style playbook? Best defensive scheme?
Yea, bunch strong offset, that's Michigan pro styrle. 2nd would be spread trips TE out of Oklahoma St. On defense, people will either run midblitz or a blitz…
DDA is so fun
If you're 94 ovr or under. There's nothing anyone can d…
Re: If you could put any cfb player in cut who would it be?
Tim Dwight, Hawkeyes legend.
Re: QB sneak
Goal line 5-3 gaps all. Pinch your dline and slant them inside
Re: QB sneak
Yea it's a exploit. Just hold the left stick towards the man in motion and you'll usually shoot through the line. It can be stopped though lol
Re: QB sneak
It's mtn speed option. It's only in the Oklahoma state playbook
Re: Why bother buying packs/cards if DDA is going to make them inadequate and obsolete?
It's a gambling addiction unfortunately
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