Music City Bowl Stadium Pack
Not a huge issue in the larger environment of this game, but did anyone else just not get Nissan Stadium for playing this event? I got Wisconsin’s. Only played…
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (12/16-12/22)
As long as we get some sort of solo mode out of the new promos (Challenges, Heisman Hustle, etc.), Season 4 could easily shape up to be the best season content…
Re: Abilities tier list!
The like these the most:
Sure Hands
Press Pro
Mobile Deadeye
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Wrap Up
Re: Current CFB QBs that need Upgrades
Yeah no idea why the haven't given us a Nico card. Probably holding him and Sampson for a playoff program if I had to guess.
Re: Current CFB QBs that need Upgrades
We'd have gotten him too if he hadn't crapped the bed against Florida, would've been an easy Rising the Ranks card
Re: Buying levels
If he's starting a new team, then those 88s and 89s would probably be pretty nice imo. Especially Immanwori, guy's a stud even on my 91 ovr team. Also yeah, th…
Re: How should I start
Echoing what the other posters have said:
The market is abysmal rn, your best bet is to play varsity solo seasons until your team is around 85 overall …
I get the occasional step up pack, I've pulled Verse, Walker, and just got Megatron. All BND but I don't care, they're all really fun to use. No LTDs from any …
Re: Schemes and Abilities?
UNLV / Multiple D
I was a generic Pro truther but I've just gotten a string of BND QBs with bad play action ratings, went from Barnett III to Milroe so…
Re: Good Unis for Solo Grinding?
Yeah same, hate that their unis are so good. I wish they'd put the Jellybean helmets in CUT. But I've used WKU's stadium from time to time this year so far
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