The second release of the Scheme Spotlight program went live in CUT today. The Scheme Spotlight promo highlights six different schemes each week with three offensive and three defensive schemes. Also, remember that all players in this program will receive 2x towards their specific scheme. There are three new LTDs in today’s release, along with six new Champions. The LTDs are 96 OVR Trevor Etienne, 96 OVR Quincy Bryant, and 96 OVR Ashton Gillotte. Our Champions today include 95 OVR Jordan McCloud, 95 OVR Tyson Flowers, 95 OVR Alfred Collins, and more.
Check out the new players, sets, and challenges from today’s release below:
Scheme Spotlight Players
Limited Editions (LTDs)
All the LTDs in today's release will only be available in packs for a limited time.
*The schemes on all Scheme Spotlight LTDs can be changed for 15,000 coins per player.
- 96 Trevor Etienne | HB | Georgia | Pro Style
- 96 Quincy Bryant | MLB | Wake Forest | 3-3-5 Tite
- 96 Ashton Gillotte | LE | Louisville | 3-4

- 95 Caleb Tiernan | LT | Northwestern | Option
- 95 Tyson Flowers | FS | Rice | 3-3-5
- 95 Charles Willekes | ROLB | Arkansas St. | 3-4
- 95 Jordan McCloud | QB | Texas St. | Veer & Shoot
- 95 Alex Honig | TE | UConn | Pro Style
- 95 Alfred Collins | DT | Texas | 3-3-5 Tite

Heroes and Elites
- 93 Omar Rogers | SS | East Carolina | 3-4
- 93 DJ Harvey | CB | San Jose St. | 3-3-5 Tite
- 93 Brendon Lewis | QB | Nevada | Veer & Shoot
- 93 J.J. Lippe | LG | Nothern Illinois | Option
- 91 Nick Malone | RT | West Virginia | Veer & Shoot
- 91 Jacob Dobbs | ROLB | James Madison | 3-3-5
- 91 John Michael Gyllenborg | TE | Wyoming | Pro Style
- 91 Steven Parker | RE | Texas St. | 3-3-5 Tite
Scheme Spotlight Sets
- 95 OVR Scheme Spotlight Champion- Exchange 4x 93 OVR Scheme Spotlight Players, ANY 1x 93 OVR Player, and ANY 1x 91 OVR Player to receive 1x 95 OVR Scheme Spotlight Champ Player.
- 93 OVR Scheme Spotlight Hero- Exchange 2x 91 OVR Scheme Spotlight Players and ANY 2x 91 OVR Players to receive 1x 93 OVR Scheme Spotlight Hero Pack containing 1x 93 OVR Scheme Spotlight Hero Player.

Scheme Spotlight Challenges
There are ten new challenges for you to complete that can be found under the "Scheme Spotlight" section of the Challenges tab. Complete all of the Scheme Spotlight challenges to reach tier 5 and earn the following rewards:
Tier 1 - 10 Stars: 1,500 Coins
Tier 2 - 25 Stars: Scheme Spotlight Token
Tier 3 - 40 Stars: 91+ OVR BND Scheme Spotlight Pack
Tier 4 - 60 Stars: Scheme Spotlight Token
Tier 5 - 80 Stars: 91+ OVR BND Scheme Spotlight Pack

Are you going to be adding any of today's new players to your squad?