Just wondering how many LTD’s everyone has pulled so far in CUT? Also which packs do y’all think gives the best chance at getting them?
I have 5. Calvin Johnson, Zachariah Branch & Matayo Uiagalelei, Theo Melin Ohrstron, Bryce Thornton
Just wondering how many LTD’s everyone has pulled so far in CUT? Also which packs do y’all think gives the best chance at getting them?
I have 5. Calvin Johnson, Zachariah Branch & Matayo Uiagalelei, Theo Melin Ohrstron, Bryce Thornton
I only pulled one from a field goal pack from solo seasons so of course EA made sure to take away AA solos so i can can only get one pack instead of two.
4 this season. I only buy booster packs.
Got John Saunders from levels pack
2 rg3's & 1 Trevor Lawrence in boosters.
1, Theo Melin Ohrstrom from the level 40 pack. already had BND Velling lol but I run them both and that shit is not fair
They need redux asap!
I got MHJ Rondale Luke Clay an Teo
Walker Ferrell Sanders Branch and CJ
1. Pulled honey badger on a training pack.
Pulled one this year (Dillion Gabriel BND) out of a rare bnd fantasy pack. Also got stutsman BND and Bond sellable which is awesome from the field pass.
Braxton from the last bnd pack from last season
Megatron from a bundle cuz I’m a degenerate now (got him from the basic pack .. 91+ player was Fairbairn)
I get the occasional step up pack, I've pulled Verse, Walker, and just got Megatron. All BND but I don't care, they're all really fun to use. No LTDs from any free packs for me, but I got Velling from one of the Season 3 packs in the field pass.
Those “Step Up” packs can be very good from what I’m seeing and what I personally experienced