I feel like everytime i get on h2h and play a guys team who stinks my team forgets how to play football. Today i played a guy who’s top 3 was 81s, but my rb(cj spiller) fumbled 4 times to 81 ray lewis, and my wrs got no separation with 80 Speed courners guarding them, and my oline couldn’t block a spam call vs 80s, I feel like Ea makes players lose.
User error
Idk if it's that drastic of a difference but there definitely is some sort of equalizer at work. I have a boosted TT and every now and then I'll play a dude who's team is average have like no real advantage which is odd. I've seen 89 speed Hall catch up and pass 92 speed lacy on streaks multiple times. I've had 93 speed not able to beat Mason Cobb to the edge with a bad angle. Idk what it is, but there's definitely something equalizing games at times and it sucks. Still fun because gameplay's cool, but I kind of feel like half of the scheme of football is trying match your fast guys to their slow guys in coverage and when it just doesn't matter, then what's going on lol
SlagSlapper said:User error
Okay lil bro, first there’s no user error I can’t control my rb fumbling 4 times on conservative.
The RNG definitely shifts towards the inferior player nobody can tell me otherwise
Takeover said:Okay lil bro, first there’s no user error I can’t control my rb fumbling 4 times on conservative.
User strips aren’t affected by conservative carry. Day 1 stuff novice. Keep crying
markcfb said:The RNG definitely shifts towards the inferior player nobody can tell me otherwise
Can’t argue that dda is real. Not knowing what you’re doing then blaming the game is a different story. Not saying anything about you directly markcfb
SlagSlapper said:User strips aren’t affected by conservative carry. Day 1 stuff novice. Keep crying
Okay, im not gonna argue online but you cant tell me all of the stuff like 50/50 balls dont go the inferior teams way, plus they werent strips they were hit sticks with 81 lewis(thats why i made not of that) have a good day tho!
yep played a guy yesterday who literally threw 4 int on the final drive of the game.......my players could not catch the ball....then he continues to go down throw into dbl cov and scores the game winning TD smh dda, rng BS
Been like that for years. Just entirely tilted against you every once in a while. Just cant take it too seriously, it can work the other way too.
Well it's a good balance system to counter the wallet warriors, my 88 team actually can keep up with "God squads"
Now if like you I'm playing a bunch of low 80s, I should run them out the building but I kinda understand why teams play like this.
Thought I was the only one games I usually win easy are extra sweaty then the teams I think ima had to sweat are super easy this game has been weird and stressful lately
ejstew said:Idk if it's that drastic of a difference but there definitely is some sort of equalizer at work. I have a boosted TT and every now and then I'll play a dude who's team is average have like no real advantage which is odd. I've seen 89 speed Hall catch up and pass 92 speed lacy on streaks multiple times. I've had 93 speed not able to beat Mason Cobb to the edge with a bad angle. Idk what it is, but there's definitely something equalizing games at times and it sucks. Still fun because gameplay's cool, but I kind of feel like half of the scheme of football is trying match your fast guys to their slow guys in coverage and when it just doesn't matter, then what's going on lol
I definitely agree with the equalizer concept, it's hard to point out what's really going on directly, but i feel like there's for sure something
I have a 92 ovr team. and get 85-86 match ups from Time to time. they are so sweaty. I miss throws I never miss. The receivers drop numerous passes Fumbles and I play on conservative. Its wild. I have finally just accepted if they want you to loose you loose.
davesgrinder said:I have a 92 ovr team. and get 85-86 match ups from Time to time. they are so sweaty. I miss throws I never miss. The receivers drop numerous passes Fumbles and I play on conservative. Its wild. I have finally just accepted if they want you to loose you loose.
I knew I wasn’t tripping, it feels like ea specifically makes sure your team dims down to your trash opponent