for my idea i feel that they should do what 2k does for myteam. Even though 2k is a cashgrab aswell they atleast give free content on the side. One example is them giving out free player,cards,ETC. Im just saying if you could grind for a free milroe CUT would explode and if you dont have enough time just buy packs.We just need content BALDY.
More content. We need way more players from way more teams.
it’s crazy that madden gets more players weekly.
need more local legends. Players who meant a lot to their fans but maybe not so much on a national level. I’m a UK fan so for us people like Jared Lorenzen, Tim Couch, Randal Cobb etc.
Content; it’s the simplest thing in the world. I have basically no reason to play with no challenges and XP gained for the week
I enjoy the game & honestly feel the tweaks are easy…1) Make Solo Battles rewards viable. Right now there is no point in playing them. 2) Increase rewards for Champs. 50-70k is the most the majority of players can reach and that’s not enough to justify playing 20 games, Better off playing Seasons.
Literally just need more content that isn't ass. Ultimate team is built around bringing in guys like Ed Reed, Deanthony Thomas, Tavon, Tet McMillon etc. and being able to use different cards and players that we love and this team literally does nothing around the office all day. We could (should) be getting 2/3 more weekly promos, flashback kind of guys, they have the rights to thousands more players than MUT and barely use them. They just are beyond lazy or don't care about this mode. It can all be fixed/an amazing mode if they would just do their jobs. They're too lazy to even copy and paste alternate uniforms into the store. Even if they sold alt uniform packs by conference for $5 and allowed them to be sellable with coins- they'd make a shit ton of money for doing next to nothing- they can't even handle that. Just a horribly run content team.
not to mention there's 134 schools in comparison to the 32 NFL teams- 90% of schools are drowning with no players getting released. Like it's just a gross mismanagement of the mode and it's killing it off (maybe purposely)
Content content content
Getting CUT and the gameplay to a good state isn't even a hard or Herculean feat, EA just refuses to do it (and the same goes for Madden, although I haven't played the fake 25 yet, and probably won't). We're talking about a modicum of effort put into creating content they already have templates and stuff for, and a patch that fixes a dozen issues.
Fix the outside blues glitching out, no user-tackling when you're humping the ball-carrier and spamming A, nerf Double Mug into the ground , absurdly bad tackling, the camera angle so we can actually so the sidelines, increase the clock to four minutes, fix the glitch with Delays/False Starts when the Play Clock gets to ~4, better reaction to the HB Direct snap, don't allow trick plays to be this good, just make every QB pin-point accurate at this point, and just remove Wear and Tear from online play. Is this perfect? No, but it's absurdly better than what we have now. Also, for Squads, don't allow people to zig-zag without penalty and fix the disconnects. Plus, for future-reference, Switch Stick is awful for the game, don't put it in future titles. It just covers-up poor pre-snap adjusting and stick-work.
As for content:
- Double the number of cards for weekly programs currently existing.
- Solos and House Rules events with good rewards for programs, weekly and seasonal.
- Have a Journey set of solos or something like Madden 16 had.
- More "small" promos inbetween big seasonal ones.
- Where are the seasonal promos?
- Having a custom player that we can create and upgrade over time (with parameters, we don't need 7 foot RBs all over the damn place) would be great, along with a Captain promo like Madden has.
- More cosmetics that're rewards from sets, House Rules, challenges, solos, H2H, Squads, etc. Alternate jerseys, the custom ones for random shit we always get in Madden, concepts for teams without them (like Alabama, or a Miami Vice one for the Hurricanes), etc.
Oh, and of course, remove DDA, because it's *blatant*, still.
Alternate jerseys would be cool. new TD celebrations maybe im sick of seeing the griddy
actaul solo battle rewards, CUT master, level master, challenges, a challenge grind like gauntlet or the journey, house rules should ALWAYS be in game, alt uniforms, alt playbooks in the store, mystery training packs
tumtum08 said:for my idea i feel that they should do what 2k does for myteam. Even though 2k is a cashgrab aswell they atleast give free content on the side. One example is them giving out free player,cards,ETC. Im just saying if you could grind for a free milroe CUT would explode and if you dont have enough time just buy packs.We just need content BALDY.
never heard of lack of content as a baldy, but it still applies correctly as a statement to eas effort.
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they need to re-think the card amounts for sure. we get 3 promos a week and get a grand total of maybe 15 cards, it's beyond crazy to think they said they weren't going to focus on UT but here we are paying Mut prices with only 15% of the content. they're profit margin must be around 10000%.
tumtum08 said:for my idea i feel that they should do what 2k does for myteam. Even though 2k is a cashgrab aswell they atleast give free content on the side. One example is them giving out free player,cards,ETC. Im just saying if you could grind for a free milroe CUT would explode and if you dont have enough time just buy packs.We just need content BALDY.
Facts they're too focused on Madden which nobody is playing because of this game
I think Wear n tear needs to go, 1000% needs to be more content (solos sets, seasonal.) but i kinda understand it being the first year of CUT in awhile... i say this every year but catching obvious interceptions....they love trying to make this game as "real" as possible even i the comp scene (which is why they have wear n tear in comp online play) but they continue to nerf players catching interceptions. Why on God's green earth are college level defensive backs swatting pickable balls? Like i have no problem with the acrobatic, superman-like interceptions being dropped as that is hard for anyone, but the one's thrown right to you? I just don't understand why they do it at the rate at they do, it's actually horrible. Got a bit lengthy so ima keep it at a simple 3 lol
tumtum08 said:for my idea i feel that they should do what 2k does for myteam. Even though 2k is a cashgrab aswell they atleast give free content on the side. One example is them giving out free player,cards,ETC. Im just saying if you could grind for a free milroe CUT would explode and if you dont have enough time just buy packs.We just need content BALDY.
defeintely gotta agree on the content...this game is dry as hell