Burden and Lacy running circles on champs and gauntlet all weekend
how much did that cost to buy all the way up to 50?
nomoneyspent590 said:Burden and Lacy running circles on champs and gauntlet all weekend
damn you sure spend a lot of money on a game you hate lil bro. lmao nomoneyspent590 a clown
nomoneyspent590 said:Burden and Lacy running circles on champs and gauntlet all weekend
You complain this morning, then spend hundreds of dollars just to finish the field pass immediately after S2 is released. Makes sense.
Woah said:damn you sure spend a lot of money on a game you hate lil bro. lmao nomoneyspent590 a clown
Moderators need to get rid of this guy...
You can't even purchase levels in season 2 yet troll.
dinkleberg72 said:Moderators need to get rid of this guy...
shut your bitch ass up man, reply to peoples question like a good boy. this dude nomoneyspent is who needs to go if you had common sense