I haven’t touched cut yet but it seems like everyone just doesn’t like it right now and I’m curious why
is it Madden dropping tmr? Gameplay bad? Players too op? What gives?
I haven’t touched cut yet but it seems like everyone just doesn’t like it right now and I’m curious why
is it Madden dropping tmr? Gameplay bad? Players too op? What gives?
Too many issues for me honestly i play it but too many
nymets945 said:Too many issues for me honestly i play it but too many
Can't wait for Madden to drop with all the same issues, like every year.
Playing the cpu challenges are boring, and the Holliman ones are glitched rn. 2k needs to make a football game instead of EA
EazyBreezy said:I haven’t touched cut yet but it seems like everyone just doesn’t like it right now and I’m curious why
is it Madden dropping tmr? Gameplay bad? Players too op? What gives?
I enjoy it.
I have enjoyed it
It's literally MUT all over again. PPL will play it, complain about xyz, yet continue to play it. I've been messing with it (CUT) until they get Offline Dynasty sorted (hopefully they hotfix it soon with the recent problems the patch created and I can start up), and it's no different than MUT.
PPL that are on that 'I can't wait til Madden comes out' tip are funny to me. Either they have no experience with EA's Ultimate Teams, or they just prefer NFL, which is fine, but let's not act like the grass is greener over there. It's the same yard, just different sides of the house.
I’m really enjoying CUT personally.
I have been enjoying CUT so far. I will still try out MUT since I did the preorder bundle.
CUT is like a huge fan of MUT made their own broke ass attempt at copying it.
I like CUT… just sucks how fast players values crash…
McBrotherMane said:I like CUT… just sucks how fast players values crash…
Same, really enjoying it otherwise.
Now that I see this comment I am assuming you were saying the crashing values are obnoxious and not me In the other thread.
I'm loving CUT, personally. I think the gameplay feels better than last year's Madden, and that's all I was really hoping for.
You're just hearing what is, probably, a vocal minority that aren't even sure what they're annoyed at anymore. You're not going to hear or see posts on forums about how "alright" everyone is finding the game, you're going to find people complaining about losing at a slot machine or being unable to compete with players that either get lucky, know how to trade or spend real money... to which I say... is this your first UT? This is my first American football game (I'm from the UK) and I've played FUT since it first came out... it's not a new concept, how are people surprised its a UT?
EazyBreezy said:I haven’t touched cut yet but it seems like everyone just doesn’t like it right now and I’m curious why
is it Madden dropping tmr? Gameplay bad? Players too op? What gives?
Men just cry that's all