Honest question, no shade. I'm NMS but guys buying packs and winning. Are ya'll still celebrating you won a Natty. Like I feel the point of the game is that pulls matter. You get a great player and now you watch/build a team with the grind. My girl brought it up, she's like people that buy packs constantly, if they win, are they happy.  I'm not saying don't buy packs or whatever to each their own but i thought it was a good point like , as a NMS when I win a Natty I feel relief and excitement because I know whoever I'm pulling from the pack whether I sell or use will have a impact on my team immediately.  Snipes matter, wins matter, pack pulls matter. If you're just buying to upgrade your team and winning it's like well duh you're obviously going to win, but I'm genuinely asking is it still a great feeling and excitement to win?  Does it lose some allure when you buy a team?