Got the luckiest I have ever got, first training roll was calvin and I just bought rg3 and pulled couple other starts for me which got me to a 97ovr offense
i only do the 100 coin packs lol learned the hard way on the very first rush. opened every coin and money pack and didnt get cam or diggs
I must’ve went through 4 step offers with 50% ltd chances n didn’t get anything. Must be bad luck.
I got rg3 Calvin and Tim brown on PlayStation
and I pulled mantI teo on Xbox
Around 800k training total:
Day 1: RG3 from training ltd opportunity pack
Day 2: Megatron from training ltd opportunity pack
Day 3: Deion from training ltd opportunity pack
The pack has been really good for me, I've been sniping 95s at 30k for best training in the game
Day 1: I got a RG3
Day 2: Deion Sanders
Day 3: nothing good
UcfKnights said:I spent $50 and got a 95 and 96 to show from it complete scam in march
You do realize that spending real money on packs is pretty much gambling, right? When you gamble, don't expect to hit it big every time.
learned my lessons from the first two rush promos.
I pulled RG3, Two Calvins, and Deion from the 59k training opportunity packs. Also pulled Xavien Alford bnd from the defensive coverage pack that was like 30k coins
97 Kennan Allen and 96 Tariq Woolen from the 5x 91+Legends Pack. And I got a 97 from the cabana store player pack. Other than that just good backups and training. For going in with 50k coins 100k training and NMS I feel it went great.
Spend $50 and $5 more for one set of boosters. Didnt pull anything from point packs. Pulled Calvin from 100 coin pack, RG3 from coin pack, and just got Marvin with my only training left one pack wonder. Training saved me last rush with Lamar, and same with this one.
I rolled 5 million training split across rush regular, bnd, and opportunity packs. Zero ltds.
pulled RG3 out of 28k gamechangers bnd coin pack this morning. I give up.