I got up to 18 out of 20 rushing touchdowns and 4 out of 5 interception on the legends mission but won't track the final couple. Anyone else having this issue ?
I'm stuck at 9/20 rushing td's. I even put 4 unleashed legends. Its bs.
Yeah seems like every update has something wrong..its a shame I wanted to get all the new things done today. With mlb the show coming out I won't play but once a week on Thursdays for updates
smh same here
Yeah it's pretty funky. I should have everything done, but don't. The counting seems to work right up to the point where it's about to complete. For instance, my games played keep counting for SOTW, but everything else has stopped. The wins for Legends stopped one short. FF one short. Rushing TDs, one short. Completions were stuck at 17 short, then some counted to 5 short, now it's at 3 short. Same with total yards SOTW. It stopped like 200 yards short, then some counted down to like 50 short.
So I don't know what's going on. The weekly and milestones counted fine, and the Watt/GC stuff counted fine too. I wonder if they just don't want us getting all them trophies right away, so there's some kind of block on it. Who knows.
I played about 10 games this morning (woke up and couldn't sleep) and it tracked off and on sporadically with no rhyme, reason, or consistency. Maddening. Never again EA. You won't get my money next year.
Feels like it tracks....as long as you don't get enough to actually complete it. If you get enough to complete the objective, then none of it tracks. For instance, rushing tds, i was at 18/20. Got 2 next game, nothing tracked. Played another game and intentionally only got 1, it tracked. So now I'm stuck at 19/20.