Idk if yall watched the stream. But 99% of these new releases are garbage! Terrible! Not to mention the sets.... still trash. Why do sets when u can buy the card outright for much much cheaper. Does EA not listen to anybody in the forums... like cmon man! Get it together. Get some people from the madden team and bring them to CFL. They clearly don't know what the hell there doing over there. They got 97 overalls that look like 95s at best. They've got a 97 deep threat wr with like 94 deep route running. Yiyiyiyi
I was excited like a loser lol
what a let down man, so much potential for content and we got bums lol
mammory51 said:I was excited like a loser lol
what a let down man, so much potential for content and we got bums lol
I was excited too! Just have the cheap coin offer packs for rush to look forward too now.
Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 and still no fkcing PRO STYLE FB
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