No fucking way. This game has reached complete bottom. EA is by far the worst company ever. Good luck with you shareholders.
if you're on website you're getting 26 lol
Probably just to play dynasties with buddies, and play early NMS ultimate team - it was so fun playing backyard ball in the beginning when everyone was super slow. But if we hear some news they're changing the feel of gameplay in any technical way that will make it feel more like madden then its a no-go for me.
As long as they don't turn it into Madden, I'll stick around. I stopped playing Madden because of the ridiculous abilities. I love how this game feels more like attributes actually matter instead of whatever crazy ability stack someone gets.
Packemup said:if you're on website you're getting 26 lol
Back in the day I would agree with you…But you have to use the site because it’s the only place to see toughness & TAC on the cards lol…Say that out loud - “The game doesn’t list all the traits or attributes, You have to visit a website to see them.” LOL!!!
I will either way but hopefully they bring back highschool in road to glory
GoIrish1977 said:I tried to set this up as a pole but it wouldn’t let me…Anyway, I’ve been thinking about this and I honestly don’t see enough good reasons to buy it. I am looking at it a few ways…
1) EA games don’t change much year to year. Ever since they were given exclusivity they have stopped worrying about improving the game, At least as a priority.
2) Because it was the big return for this franchise I told myself - Let loose & spend. Treat yourself this first year. Well I did & I wouldn’t have had anywhere close to the team I have had I went NMS like I usually do. Since I have a complete end game team, Why not just keep playing this one? Since we know the game will largely be the same, Why buy new?
3) If I got bored I would probably just start a franchise. Again, Nothing will be new so just stick with the current game.
Bottom line - EA no longer gets the benefit of doubt. And until PROVEN otherwise, They’re not getting anything from me.
Yes if you’re no money spent
I’m sticking with 25. Theres no reason we should have to pay for the game every year When there are in game purchases. They should be selling jerseys and dance moves for real money like Fortnite does And just release a big update.
Not until there are mass firings and new staff at EA SPORTS.
They are bums. Lliterally have a monopoly and can't even sell decent water in a desert with the only water stand.
Abomination. They ruined NCAA FOOTBALL, NHL AND FC.
NHL 2006 was amazing and 2005-2007 Ncaa was top tier. They took away user control and actual stick skills and replaced it with mindless glitch cheese and bad mechanics. NHL is unplayable, NCAA is just sad. JJust barely good enough to play but disappointment every single game....and that's not even mentioning their blatant greed, disrespect to customers, completely idiotic handling of player stats, lack of content, DDA, AND JUST AN overall clear showing of having next to zero understanding of football, football players, and any form of comprehensive football knowledge.
I give them the benefit of the doubt this year it was there fist go with cfb so bow that they know what they need to have and what the fans like I think we see big improvement this year and than we go back to the ea copy and paste system
I’ll buy when DDA is out of these games.