This shit game is so fucking broken you assholes can kiss my ass i am never playing this crap ever again.
Go fu
DDA ruined the game more than the players.
EAcanshoveit said:I play quite often and consider myself a better than average player. I don’t google anything about the game regarding “tips“ or whatever “cheese” to exploit. I play how real football is intended. I don’t spend money to buy the best new players either.
Yet I’ve noticed a recent increase in the number of players who have the best card available that day it drops. So I explore that team’s roster and it’s full of the best players in every position. (Must’ve spent over a thousand dollars on UT player)…That’s ok I guess, but what is ruining this game is these people who have been exploiting the “cheese” plays. By that I mean the plays that the developers make which are unstoppable. Examples are overload blitz’s which every receiver is blanketed and you have zero chance of getting a pass off. Or the zone where they user the mlb and run in a circle instead of the assignment. These “god squad“ users should grow a sack and play legitimate football instead of exploiting loopholes. They should be penalized somehow for doing this too. These A-holes take any fun out of the game. I’m not alone by saying that EA f’d up on this game. I’m disappointed and done with this franchise and the company EA Sports.
Filing this under Whaa!!! Believe it or not some people play to win the game.
Blocking looping blitzes will be my 13th reason. Can I…….yes. Should I………not all day everyday. I love how if COD has something that is overused (abused) they nerf it or buff things not used. EA just drops hot trash and tells you to “get better”. Partly to blame is us as players
Agreed. I’ll win my 14-15 champ games every week and conveniently never get over the hump. Funny part is, I finally caved and spent 50k coins 2 weeks ago just to see the parity in gauntlet. I only had time to play 4 games but won them all.…make it make sense. It’s gambling and manipulated gameplay. It’s designed to give you the fix but never go too far either way to keep you invested. EA preys on our senses to have the best teams/players because who doesn’t want to win. They are blood sucking leeches who could give two sh*ts about any of their users. It is purely a profit machine designed to take advantage of their users. What kind of asshole company puts out $100 packs for a shot at POSSIBLY getting the player you want. If you spend $100…you better get who you want and then some. It‘s a disgusting business design and people need to wake up. Yes, they have a monopoly on football and that’s a whole other issue. Other legit competition entering the market could fix it, but in the meantime, if people could just stop engaging with this scam company they would have to change their business strategy. But it‘s an addiction and that‘s it’s true intended function.
Sad thing is you just gotta wait to see if it gets better next game. I get so tired of blocking my TE.
This time of year most of the casuals have left and in a week the rest will be gone when The Show drops. So yeah, Settle in for all the you tube followers that copy & paste what they’re told By their masters. Gonna be nothing but the try hards left.
Xfz1986 said:Sad thing is you just gotta wait to see if it gets better next game. I get so tired of blocking my TE.
Lmao I’m weak not the tight end having to block😭😭
DaMadLaberWaLabsAt12 said:Filing this under Whaa!!! Believe it or not some people play to win the game.
You have to play for the love of the game or your a cheeser… if you run plays that good your gonna be called a cheeser this guy even said people that user the middle of the field instead of doing their assignment is cheese like come on bruh..😭😭
Jonesy55 said:I don’t think you realize this but in that HR you could just hurry up and run the same plays over and over again that drive… thus if they had multiple good plays they were just hurry you up every play and score and then run a different one the next drive. You didn’t play real cheesers if you didn’t see that
I’ve never been cooked by 1 play an entire drive… I’ve seen hb direct run 4 times in a row but by the time they do it 4 times I’m ready and stop it… so how on earth are you getting cooked by 1 play all the way down the field without even having to change the play at all.... 😭😭also let me know the play I might run it
strategydude said:Other than being on a professional competitive top-10 player level with the switch stick, it's impossible to play defense in CFB running "stock" blitzes.
I guess that's what people want - scoring every drive just randomly and casually picking plays and having 10 seconds to throw (though I suspect most of the people outraged at "cheese" blitzes are in Bunch and doing several hot routes to "cheese" routes like Zig every play).
This is exactly what it is bruh if your getting cooked by a stock blitz and 1 play all game your just bad at the game… no way someone can run 1 play all game and cook your lmao it’s never happened to me with my nms team And I’ve lost many games but never to 1 play all game lmao