I’m just not finding it very easy to determine who to start based solely on Attributes.
For example, many choose to start 95 OVR Reggie Bush instead of 97 OVR Isaac Brown/Jordan Baugh/etc. This decision can‘t just come down to +1 or+2 better Rating in whatever relevant Attribute like Speed, Carrying, Break Tackle, etc. I’m looking for help understanding the appropriate way to compare players effectively, so without further ado:
• Does a +2 Speed rating offer that significant of an advantage at skill positions like QB/RB/WR/CB ?
- If so, what particular ratings should hold the most weight when comparing players?
• How important is a players‘ frame to their success in CUT?
— Will a small, light RB who’s 5’7” - 170lbs with the same stats as one whose 6’3” - 235lbs function differently? How and why?
- Same with both Offensive and Defensive Lineman and their ability to successfully block/defend, or LB with varying degrees of size and Hit Power? Any others to consider?
• I just don’t get why a 94 OVR Cam Ward is in the same conversation as 97 ANYONE quite frankly it doesn’t make sense, and I’m exaggerating these examples but realistically the stats at which to compare are MUCH closer and harder to gauge.