loudpow2309 said:is Jeanty actually getting Gold workhorse?
loudpow2309 said:is Jeanty actually getting Gold workhorse?
legends 96ovr alfred morris
my favorite is AP and Jeanty
Bush still king
CMC and Judkins
Isaac Brown w/ upgrade token is RB1, plays like day 1 Judkins
loudpow2309 said:RB1's who y'all rocking with today?
Bijan still a beast for me but been eyeing Emmit or AP
I got jeanty at a low price after he got workhorse and I can go double digit carries with no wear and tear + his stats are insane
Alfred Morris cause gold everything. Still don’t think any RB’s are like him
I got jeanty cmc and the 97 power back from this weeks scheme spotlight , all BND so I’m stuck with those 3, they’ve been a good rotation though
Emmit and Jaden 🐊
Hhtmarks said:Alstott!!!
ap is my rb1 jeanty the 2
Jeanty hands down...Enjoy...