To all my people out there with a 96-97 team how are your games going? i havent been able to perform at all nothing is going my way id like to think id be able to beat 93 team but no they are just faster and lock everything im just so frustrated
I don’t know why people keep thinking that just because they have the best players that entitles them to wins. If someone is alot better at the game than you then it’s very likely they could beat you with a 93 team. I’m not saying you’re a bad player, I consider myself a pretty good player but there are games I get smacked by lesser quality teams, It happens to everyone.
We all go through the stages of “I’m so good…. dot … pick, etc” then fall back to the “I suck and have no clue what I’m doing”
if you don’t think so then don’t worry, ea will make sure you do
As soon as I climbed up into the 97 overall category my team went to complete and utter ass cheeks after winning my latest National Championship. I don't know what happened to my DDA. The guy quit in the 2nd quarter and it's been awful EVER SINCE for literally the past 8 days. Things got so bad that I have literal zero interest in playing the game and have practically quit.
No run blocks. No open receivers. Can't get off the field on defense. Orange throws on every single throw doesn't matter if it's Morton or Daniel Jones with gold dot. Doesn't matter. I went back to playing Dynasty and am having so much more fun.