First time on CUT so I might be dumb but it looks like even if I replace Holliman and warner I can only get to 49/50? Could someone let me know what I'm not seeing
First time on CUT so I might be dumb but it looks like even if I replace Holliman and warner I can only get to 49/50? Could someone let me know what I'm not seeing
Greenlaw is out of position
I think it's because you have Dre Greenlaw playing out of position. If you have a true 4-2-5 MLB in that spot, then it should give you a 48/50 if you keep Holliman and Warner
Get you some sotw scheme 4-2-5 players to be backups. They give you x2 to your scheme and allow more diversity.
Thanks for the help. I want to max it out, and there are serviceable replacements for Holliman, but the MLB position is just disgusting. Miles Hall who's okay and that's about it. I feel like I'm gonna have to just run formations that use SubLBs and have junk at MLB.