They nuked the hell out of odds and every great card now is LTD. Greedy bastards are predators to my gambling addiction! I've had to quit playing for a while too. Cards don't come like they used to in packs. Odds always too damn low. I'm not spending a dime next year's game. I'll roll with the avg team. No point in having a 97 speed if he can't beat the 94 speed!
I deleted the game a couple weeks ago and I'm glad I did. Not getting the the 97 safety after wasting time completing the house rules was the last straw for me. I was a long time EA fan since the original Madden. I played countless hours running NCAA dynasties over and over again. I couldn't get enough. Took a break for a while and they just sucked all the fun out of it now. I wasn't their target audience anyway, I just bought the games and enjoyed them. Now they just want extract every last dollar possible while giving us glitches, bugs and monotonous tasks with shit rewards.
I'm much happier not worrying about this BS. I still check this site because I want to see what end game card look like though. I browse the topics and feel like I made the right decision.
My only regret is not selling my team off first and giving some of the cooler guys on this forum the coins. My bad fellas.
DJFL said:They nuked the hell out of odds and every great card now is LTD. Greedy bastards are predators to my gambling addiction! I've had to quit playing for a while too. Cards don't come like they used to in packs. Odds always too damn low. I'm not spending a dime next year's game. I'll roll with the avg team. No point in having a 97 speed if he can't beat the 94 speed!
Yeah man. The BND boosters are straight embarrassing at this point after they got us hooked on them by giving us at least 1 champion or LTD every time we got all of them. Now the champions seem nearly impossible to pull for every single promo.
Now even the bundles don't even give you anything good. They just give you the worst champion that no one wants and will give everyone the same guy so it doesn't even have any auction value.
And even after nickel and diming my way to a 97 overall team.... my DDA has went out of control and my Andre Johnson can't get open at all anymore and even Corey Coleman with all those gold abilities can't get open. It's so damn dumb. And if they do get open? Orange throw that gets intercepted no matter what.
Doing the same, really like playing online but can't stand that it's the same thing every game now. No variety in how anyone plays just keep running the same 3 things on o and d that breaks the game
This game is gambling at its worst. No actual rewards other than game play and they ruin that too with dda. EA is tanking as a company and probably going to lose NFL rights. So they plan to suck us dry for as long as they possibly can, what a waste.
Making me feel great about not spending money on this game
Switched to MUT the other day and holy the only thing I’ll give madden is that mut is so much fun, the only issue is solo battles feel dry but other than that it is so much better
I’ve realized that the game is designed to either have you drain all your coins and training with no real way to replace it or make more. It wants you to roll training packs that don’t give crap. I’m very disappointed in this last two seasons and am struggling to find a reason to play.
maineventkrunch said:Man I'm getting there too.
I can't even begin to fathom how or why I spent so much money on packs when the better your team is the harder the DDA works against you. I haven't had a good game in 3+ days after my team went up to a 97 overall. All of my passes are suddenly orange (And getting picked) and I can't get a run block to save my life. My defense couldn't stop a nose bleed and my AIs are always out of position to pick the ball off even if I shade in the correct direction.
This mode is about to get even more out of control as more and more platinum abilities come out from now to July. They're gonna do whatever they can to bleed our pockets dry.
I quit over a week ago i was in dda hell for a long time. I would win 14-16 games in champs constantly before the first rush. After the first rush getting 10 was hard af bc DDA was kicking my butt. It’s not fun! My final straw was I played someone with a full back as there starter with 89 speed and he was out running my entire team. But my bush was getting caught by his lineman. I had a 95 team he had a 90. I will not buy anymore football games from EA. They freaking SUCK! For anyone reading this and you are experiencing DDA quit the game. it doesn’t get better it only gets worse. Keep your money and spend it elsewhere EA does not deserve it.
darthjpeg said:In the same boat right now. I found myself disgusted with the game mode. Spent too much on packs early in the game and now that they have 5+ content drops a week and I'm no longer buying packs (used to buy all 3 boosters each week) my teams falling behind. Hopefully I will get the benefit of DDA soon.
Unfortunately, I think if you are DDA negative you will always be. DDA will not be on your side. I created a farm account and it was a 92 and i never got DDA help on it like others did against me on my main. I personally feel like it’s IP locked. Once it puts you in a category it’s attached to your IP. but that’s just my thoughts.
I think I'm about done myself. I don't have the energy to do all these House Rules challenges. The cards somehow are going up in overall, but the base ratings aren't really improving much.
We'll see. Maybe I'll get a second wind. But I've been on COD, and have some other games I can get into. I'll probably end up finishing the field pass atleast.
flugamenasty said:I quit over a week ago i was in dda hell for a long time. I would win 14-16 games in champs constantly before the first rush. After the first rush getting 10 was hard af bc DDA was kicking my butt. It’s not fun! My final straw was I played someone with a full back as there starter with 89 speed and he was out running my entire team. But my bush was getting caught by his lineman. I had a 95 team he had a 90. I will not buy anymore football games from EA. They freaking SUCK! For anyone reading this and you are experiencing DDA quit the game. it doesn’t get better it only gets worse. Keep your money and spend it elsewhere EA does not deserve it.
Same man. Anyone that' says DDA doesn't exist hasn't had moments like that.
Nms player here and these are my observations.
The closer you get to the ceiling (99 overall), the gap shrinks. As the gap shrinks, skill begins to matter over cards. I do believe there's DDA, but the vast majority of time I player higher rated teams (my team is a 94) they're very predictable, run 2-3 plays and fail to adjust as the game goes on. Your +1 or +2 speed advantage isn't going to do anything when I know what you're going to do.
Not saying this is the case with you, but most I play are over confident in their cards ability and lacking in their own capability.
UofM99 said:I quit the game today, felt like I was spending too much money and beginning to only find excitement opening packs. Quicksold my team to ensure I wouldnt come back. Playing franchise and other games is fun, UT is too big of a commitmen.
Man I feel same way. I spent 100 today literally got nothing. Decided to add up what I've spent on this game and it was $1,250 NGL felt like throwing up. Biggest waste of money and my team is still a 96 overall. 1st and last year I ever do UT
UofM99 said:I quit the game today, felt like I was spending too much money and beginning to only find excitement opening packs. Quicksold my team to ensure I wouldnt come back. Playing franchise and other games is fun, UT is too big of a commitmen.
Congrats brother working to get like you!