I have a weekly challenge to win with Honors players. What promo is that supposed to be?
probably a glitch and it's supposed to be a future promo. I also thought we were getting fraternities this week or something. I guess they're just planning on cramming everything into tomorrow lol.
Rewind is out today, but the cards aren't so great. Might pick up CMC.
So there is no search function for honors players even in the catalog...rolled out to early??
They've done this before. Will be tomorow pry
There are some cards in the database but I can’t tell if they’re from launch or new
Glad to know I wasn’t the only one so confused. I don’t log on for a few days and it scrambled me. Good to know they aren’t even real
Honors is out in Madden this week. Might be a mistake by a confused developer lol!
More than likely meant to be Stars of Season cards
3cityjay said:More than likely meant to be Stars of Season cards
Nope it means fraternity cards
jnavarro255 said:Honors is out in Madden this week. Might be a mistake by a confused developer lol!
This would be a new low if true.