nah it's absolutely true. Their whole thing is reducing the game to cheesing AI and not concept v concept. It's disgusting and has nothing to do with football. And the whole defense is "you can't beat it you're crying". No, you can beat it, it just forces the game into specific formations and plays that waters down and makes gameplay stale. Low hanging fruit is midblitz- no team can run that consistently IRL because they would get absolutely torched- yes you can beat it easily but you're literally just sitting there throwing zigs/curls/fades over and over and over it's boring. It's just loser virgins worried about whatever coins they can make by confusing AI logic, not actually playing a football game with matchups and concepts. Dcroft/Civ(civ the best one in terms of he does talk about football logic- but still lands in this category)/the rest of the comp guys just flat out suck the fun out of the game and reduce everything to the same repetitive non football schemes.
VGorilla808 said:The youtube video gamers should seriously just stick to posting RPG cheese.
Minions of copy cat bums is most definitely annoying because it's not different than playing an autistic CPU.
Ya I'm super stoked about running the exact same play 30 times in a game because you only know how to run the 335 youtube defense that you copy on repeat or whatever mug blitz spam nation.
Hilarious and sad at the same time. Amd we wonder why estrogen levels are at an all time high and mcdonalds is still in business.
All well, lemme get ready for another spamathon. Thabks youtube lol
Aaron's annoying and weird autistic little brother is playing video games now.
lmao exactly this
Dcrofts voice is like soyboy anthem, shit is comedy without the content
Oklahoma State and cuse are the answer
4-2-5 on defense no blitzing
I'm gonna try to run mini scheme out of gun bunch x nasty too
ClemsonHokie said:i mean im doing fine in TN book....if you're good you're good.
TN book?
dear lord be with my eyes
When I play an opponent that I can’t stop their offense., I just play the possession game. I am pretty darn good at running the ball and working the clock when I have to. I can literally hold the ball for an entire half if need be. My opponents get extremely frustrated and once the death threats start coming I know I broke them.
With the CFB season over the only people playing are these try hards man. It's so awful trying to play CUT right now.
GoIrish1977 said:When I play an opponent that I can’t stop their offense., I just play the possession game. I am pretty darn good at running the ball and working the clock when I have to. I can literally hold the ball for an entire half if need be. My opponents get extremely frustrated and once the death threats start coming I know I broke them.
Exactly, the best defense is not needing one. Just run the flexbone for 5 min 30 sec drives and win on the last second field goal, works every time barring fumbles
tripleoption said:Exactly, the best defense is not needing one. Just run the flexbone for 5 min 30 sec drives and win on the last second field goal, works every time barring fumbles
Brother that is your specialty. I am TERRIBLE at running option plays. Usually I make the wrong read or pitch it for a turnover lol…But give me the Multiple playbook and between the I-Forms , Singlebacks & Pistol formations and I usually can run on most people at will….I occasionally play someone that can shut down everything but not too often.
GoIrish1977 said:Brother that is your specialty. I am TERRIBLE at running option plays. Usually I make the wrong read or pitch it for a turnover lol…But give me the Multiple playbook and between the I-Forms , Singlebacks & Pistol formations and I usually can run on most people at will….I occasionally play someone that can shut down everything but not too often.
what pistol plays do u run, struggle to get big gains out of it consistently
tripleoption said:what pistol plays do u run, struggle to get big gains out of it consistently
Start with Trips Stretch…And flip to run behind the receivers. If they are not playing it correctly it’s a house call almost everytime. Make sure your receivers are good run blockers.
GoIrish1977 said:Start with Trips Stretch…And flip to run behind the receivers. If they are not playing it correctly it’s a house call almost everytime. Make sure your receivers are good run blockers.
Already on the receivers, sadly no pistol trips in the option offense. Thx anyway tho
tripleoption said:Already on the receivers, sadly no pistol trips in the option offense. Thx anyway tho
Not sure if this would help as an option…But there is Flexbone in that playbook.
GoIrish1977 said:Not sure if this would help as an option…But there is Flexbone in that playbook.
It would a bit, but I use like 5 different sets in flexbone, might give it a shot in house rules tho