I quit the game today, felt like I was spending too much money and beginning to only find excitement opening packs. Quicksold my team to ensure I wouldnt come back. Playing franchise and other games is fun, UT is too big of a commitmen.
Man I'm getting there too.
I can't even begin to fathom how or why I spent so much money on packs when the better your team is the harder the DDA works against you. I haven't had a good game in 3+ days after my team went up to a 97 overall. All of my passes are suddenly orange (And getting picked) and I can't get a run block to save my life. My defense couldn't stop a nose bleed and my AIs are always out of position to pick the ball off even if I shade in the correct direction.
This mode is about to get even more out of control as more and more platinum abilities come out from now to July. They're gonna do whatever they can to bleed our pockets dry.
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I for the life of me can't figure out how to make a second account on Xbox. I don't think I even can because I game share.
This is the first ultimate team that I couldn’t do nms. There’s just not enough coin making methods and after waiting a decade I wanted to enjoy playing with players I like. I also feel the season players were mostly trash.
I think I’m just going to keep playing CF25 next year. I am NOT sinking money into this again.
GoIrish1977 said:This is the first ultimate team that I couldn’t do nms. There’s just not enough coin making methods and after waiting a decade I wanted to enjoy playing with players I like. I also feel the season players were mostly trash.
I think I’m just going to keep playing CF25 next year. I am NOT sinking money into this again.
Bro I feel you. I played NCAA 14 religiously in college and was so upset when then discontinued it. Waited so long for it to come back that I definitely splurged this year to enjoy it. Now that the season is heading into the back half, I realize how irresponsible it can be putting money into an ultimate team mode, especially one coved in DDA.
Aubrun10 said:Bro I feel you. I played NCAA 14 religiously in college and was so upset when then discontinued it. Waited so long for it to come back that I definitely splurged this year to enjoy it. Now that the season is heading into the back half, I realize how irresponsible it can be putting money into an ultimate team mode, especially one coved in DDA.
Exactly! I played NCAA14 for years…I can play this one for two or three easy lol
In the same boat right now. I found myself disgusted with the game mode. Spent too much on packs early in the game and now that they have 5+ content drops a week and I'm no longer buying packs (used to buy all 3 boosters each week) my teams falling behind. Hopefully I will get the benefit of DDA soon.
I have decided to stop spending money the remainder of this year and will be NMS next year if I get the game. I love the game, but, just like Madden, you can get buy with a mediocre team just because of how the game plays.
GoIrish1977 said:This is the first ultimate team that I couldn’t do nms. There’s just not enough coin making methods and after waiting a decade I wanted to enjoy playing with players I like. I also feel the season players were mostly trash.
I think I’m just going to keep playing CF25 next year. I am NOT sinking money into this again.
this has been the biggest eye opener for me too tbh. I've been nms every since '14, and this year broke me because there's just no way to truly build nms without an INSANE amount of time sink. You can probably sit on the ah and flip but the time that I have on the game I want to play the game. But yeah packs (outside of booster bnd packs) have been absolutely terrible, mut champs nets 70K a week and a single pack (maybe 2? what's it matter when they're consistently just a net 25K training) but overall yeah it's real bad in multiple ways.
Honestly I am at that point as well bad game after bad game where I have advantage team wise just nothing goes right for me anymore thinking about not even buying the next college football or madden cause it will just be the same dynasty and RTG are just boring after awhile cut and mut are too expensive it's like EA is competing against 2k for who can have the most expensive online modes
Good for you. I wish I was brave enough
MUT 24 was the first UT I played and I realized I spent way too much. This year I went nms (unless I got a Xbox gift card). So much more fun, but not the easiest. Gonna play rest of year and next but definitely nms
XxStephxX said:Honestly I am at that point as well bad game after bad game where I have advantage team wise just nothing goes right for me anymore thinking about not even buying the next college football or madden cause it will just be the same dynasty and RTG are just boring after awhile cut and mut are too expensive it's like EA is competing against 2k for who can have the most expensive online modes
Same for me dude. Ever since my team overall hit 97 I just can't do anything.
I went from really dominating games and had found a scheme that worked for me on both offense and defense. My confidence was at an all time high in this game.
Now it's just... interception, interception, interception, sack, sack, sack, tackled for loss in the backfield then I can't get off the field ever on defense as every QB I play can make any throw ever looking like 2007 Tom Brady.
I've sunk an embarrassing amount of money into this game trying to offset it and I just can't do it anymore. It's not fun. The only thrill I'm getting now is trying to pull the good cards just like OP said.
I think mut has a much better nms set up, and for that reason im gonna play that next yr