How many champs wins are people getting every week? I’m a 96 ovr in campus legends and have about a 65-70% win rate. Every week I get to 12 wins with ease with only 1-4 losses. Once I get my 12th win, it gets almost impossible to win another. Last week I lost 8 in row on my 13th game. This week 6 in a row. My defense shuts down, and the other team plays insane. Instant sheds, defense all over the place, and receivers catching everything. If I can get past 13 then I can usually get 15 or 16 wins. Does anyone else experience this?
I am very mediocre, when I play bad I win 8-9, when playing well I win 10-11, I’m literally never more than 2 games over/under .500 as I progress toward the 20 games
10-13 wins like clockwork…Every single week it’s been the same since drop. Never more, Never less.
13 wins easy....if i have time and not busy or in a rush 16
18 normally, then i js quit
I will get 10-12 wins with ease, then shit gets outrageous lmao I can only imagine playing in the gauntlet. I have a 94 NMS team. Most players BND
VandyDuke said:I am very mediocre, when I play bad I win 8-9, when playing well I win 10-11, I’m literally never more than 2 games over/under .500 as I progress toward the 20 games
This is me. I rarely get above 11 wins. I'm about as average at the game as you can be.
7. I'm obviously not good. I wish I was as good as you all...unfortunately I'm secretly mentally retarded.
Lol same but at 10 wins. I normally finish at 13 (Once i get to 13 with 5 losses I quit out the rest, no reason to play without being able to reach the next benchmark) but yeah like you said I can usually get up to 10 with 1/2 losses and then everything flips
Like clockwork. I have gotten 16+ wins only 3 times maybe 4.
Highest ive been ranked was in top 50 in h2h.
I've got 8 and 9 wins in gauntlet, never 10. I would say with confidence that 99% of gauntlets played ive taken at least 1 loss to getting booted from a game. Sseems like a player causes the disconnect. Iit's super sketch.
And I either lose to someone much better than I am or it's some bs like 2 fumbl3s on conservative ball carrying, shit passes that just go wild for a pick, players not blocking etc. Game just full send juiced against me.
I'll get at least 1 disconnect loss in champs.
Ive never seen any yiutube streamers play sweaty opponents in gauntlet or lose on a disconnected.
Ea sports has the ethics of Sadam Hussein so this may be tinfoil hat crazy talk but also the company is out of control.
I also got my team name reported and account suspended because someone was but hurt they lost. Suggondeez...meanwhile ive seen team names that are wildly inappropriate but hey, don't mess with joe biden fans....they are psychotic passive aggressive people, likely with mild mental illness.
I also dropped to like 240 rank and have played way less games haven't moved much and games have been sus. Sometimes I just quit 8 plays in because the game speed changes, it gets laggy and the players are glitching and entire game mechanics are being weird af.
I have 900mbps download and 37.5 upload speed to put it in reference.
Playing people with ebt internet is the absolute worst. They ruin the game with their lag and dial up internet.
Maybe that's the problem...playing people with ass internet just ruins the game and cracks it out. No clue. Ea claims it's not their servers.
If people really are using lag switch style devices to manipulate the game or boot people then we should probably move forward like Canada did and introduce the suicide as health care treatment because that is sub species behavior.
i dont play this game
VandyDuke said:I am very mediocre, when I play bad I win 8-9, when playing well I win 10-11, I’m literally never more than 2 games over/under .500 as I progress toward the 20 games
I am the exact same
Moderator Gent said:This is me. I rarely get above 11 wins. I'm about as average at the game as you can be.
Most I've gotten was 10, but I usually lose to lower ovr teams. I beat all 4 higher ovr teams I played and was 10-10 total
13 wins mostly, mainly play regs tho