Do yall agree??
With DDA, no. Skill matters most.
Bbop1988 said:With DDA, no. Skill matters most.
Yep, DDA ruins good cards. Sometimes takes skill out of it completely too! Can be taking a conservative angle at an 89 speed running back with a 95 speed LB and get completely dusted!
DDA is running rampant in this game. I've been getting hoed all night. All my players stuck in mud getting chased down by low 90 overall running backs.
It’s pay to get the best cards you want but it’s not pay to win. Hell, I still get cooked by Flanagan! Lol
I haven't spent a dime on this game and still have a legit team. Granted I've been in from the beginning so was able to build my coins up, but still. Obviously spending money is the easy way, but it is possible to grind your way to a good team. I'm proof.
And y'all need to chill on the DDA shit. It's become the perfect scapegoat for ppl that are losing games. PPL just refuse to take accountability. Plenty of y'all think that because you have all the best cards, you should win every game. Doesn't work like that. It's an EA football game, so there are so many ways to glitch the game, but y'all love to point at DDA. Shit's getting old as hell seeing those three letters in every other post around here.
FloorGeneral said:I haven't spent a dime on this game and still have a legit team. Granted I've been in from the beginning so was able to build my coins up, but still. Obviously spending money is the easy way, but it is possible to grind your way to a good team. I'm proof.
And y'all need to chill on the DDA shit. It's become the perfect scapegoat for ppl that are losing games. PPL just refuse to take accountability. Plenty of y'all think that because you have all the best cards, you should win every game. Doesn't work like that. It's an EA football game, so there are so many ways to glitch the game, but y'all love to point at DDA. Shit's getting old as hell seeing those three letters in every other post around here.
I agree with what you're saying. I don't think most people know what DDA actually does. Skill is the deciding factor for the most part. However, i don't know how else you explain Laquon Treadwell at 93 spd burning Will Johnson at 98 speed in man on a standard streak with my coverage shaded up yet when I play a 96-97 ovr team with 99 spd Andre Johnson, Will completely blankets him. Skill matters most, but DDA is very real. I have 200+ more wins than losses as well. DDA is just frustrating.
dont worry, it isn't. scheme over team forever and always.
FloorGeneral said:I haven't spent a dime on this game and still have a legit team. Granted I've been in from the beginning so was able to build my coins up, but still. Obviously spending money is the easy way, but it is possible to grind your way to a good team. I'm proof.
And y'all need to chill on the DDA shit. It's become the perfect scapegoat for ppl that are losing games. PPL just refuse to take accountability. Plenty of y'all think that because you have all the best cards, you should win every game. Doesn't work like that. It's an EA football game, so there are so many ways to glitch the game, but y'all love to point at DDA. Shit's getting old as hell seeing those three letters in every other post around here.
I also haven't spent a dime and I have a 94 team with 1.4M in the bank to play the market.
I wholeheartedly disagree with DDA though. It's VERY real. I only play H2H sporadically but played a lot during the bowl games. My own team played VERY different game to game with no player changes at all. Speed was the most apparent attribute that was affected but that's about the only factor I'm qualified to judge since my skills aren'tamazing. I'd bet other attributes were affected too.
Im sick of all the DDA defenders. How is it at all possible to consider that any type of game fixing is fair? The reasoning from some of you is insane. Get a clue.
FloorGeneral said:I haven't spent a dime on this game and still have a legit team. Granted I've been in from the beginning so was able to build my coins up, but still. Obviously spending money is the easy way, but it is possible to grind your way to a good team. I'm proof.
And y'all need to chill on the DDA shit. It's become the perfect scapegoat for ppl that are losing games. PPL just refuse to take accountability. Plenty of y'all think that because you have all the best cards, you should win every game. Doesn't work like that. It's an EA football game, so there are so many ways to glitch the game, but y'all love to point at DDA. Shit's getting old as hell seeing those three letters in every other post around here.
I also haven't spent anything, I've got a 95 ovr team, and I've shut down ppl with 97 ovr teams, and I don't even user the LB, I js pass rush with the D End.
The very next game, a 94 ovr team kicked my butt, and I did the same stuff as the last game. DDA definitely real
I don’t think it is pay to win, I believe it is pay to gain an advantage, I don’t spend my money on the game, I just developed a strategy that counters the meta well and it works, paying will get better players, but not wins
Jkrak said:Im sick of all the DDA defenders. How is it at all possible to consider that any type of game fixing is fair? The reasoning from some of you is insane. Get a clue.
I agree. I have a NMS team and honestly I feel relieved when I see God squads bc I know there’s a decent change they don’t know how to play the game. Most of them just spam mid blitz and get cooked then complain it’s the games fault. So I agree, I can always tell from like the first play wether the guy I’m playing is good or his team just carries him.
yetiiszn said:I agree. I have a NMS team and honestly I feel relieved when I see God squads bc I know there’s a decent change they don’t know how to play the game. Most of them just spam mid blitz and get cooked then complain it’s the games fault. So I agree, I can always tell from like the first play wether the guy I’m playing is good or his team just carries him.
Clear example of someone not realizing he's probably benefiting from DDA quite a bit.
yetiiszn said:I agree. I have a NMS team and honestly I feel relieved when I see God squads bc I know there’s a decent change they don’t know how to play the game. Most of them just spam mid blitz and get cooked then complain it’s the games fault. So I agree, I can always tell from like the first play wether the guy I’m playing is good or his team just carries him.
Those god squad players have a right to complain, decent bit of dda happenin, sometimes I get lucky with it against 97s, not going to lie, but when I play a 92 ovr, dda likely against me. So ye, it is the game’s fault and yes, im nms