I need to get a better qb and these are the 2 I’ve landed on but I’m open to other suggestions. I’m trying to spend around 100k but I could spend up to about 150k.
I havent spent a single dime on the game and my qb is sanders. McLoud is prob the better all around qb, but sanders is the better budget QB. I would suggest getting sanders, then buying another decent player. Would it be possible if u link your lineup so I can make more suggestions?
Atp my the main positions I want to upgrade is the right side of by oline and my secondary besides qb.
hers my line up if u wanna make any suggestions btw
I would suggest getting 93 Tariq woolen as cb2. He's only 25-30k and the 94 is 80k so it depends how much u wanna spend. also how do u get bru mccoy if u dont mind sharing
I got McCoy through a pack but I don’t remember which one.
ok thanks for the info u got any recs for me?
KingChowder72 said:https://cfb.fan/25/lineup-builder/362a2268-c076-4eb1-ad8b-2d48be134513/
Atp my the main positions I want to upgrade is the right side of by oline and my secondary besides qb.
Watts and Moore
greentacos5 said:https://cfb.fan/25/lineup-builder/cecc5fb1-2a3a-4dcc-9dcf-10d53c2dcf6f/
hers my line up if u wanna make any suggestions btw
I would suggest getting 93 Tariq woolen as cb2. He's only 25-30k and the 94 is 80k so it depends how much u wanna spend. also how do u get bru mccoy if u dont mind sharing
Watts and Moore
greentacos5 said:ok thanks for the info u got any recs for me?
I’d say u should get ur left oline bette. Tbh most of my better players I got within the week so there’s no specific cards that I have that stick out to recommen.
lol is got the 93 ovr rt tdy. I'll prob js grab some cheap 93s on the left side of the line. also got any good 94-95 MLB that have good zone coverage that'd u recommend. id prob wanna spend 60-90k.
My pass coverage lb is Donald Willis and he’s cheap but only a 93 and he’s rolb. Miles Hall and Brock Horne look good based off of attributes tho. Seem like they’d be really solid users.
Thx for the info! looks like u got shauder as new qb1? how does he feel
He feels god so far but I’ve only got to play with him for maybe 15 minutes bc I’m on PS and the servers are down or whatever.
yup idk why they are down
Anyone got suggestions for me?
On defense, every starter but Patrick Payton and Michael Taaffe are one ovr higher than they show bc chemistry