I didn’t pull one good card out of any of the Season BND packs, I can’t pull Jack shite out of the training packs anymore so I’m just throwing training points away and I found out EA is letting a middle school Intro to Programming/Game Design class handle this first edition of the return of NCAA so I gotta say it’s not bad for a bunch of kids running it….I thought paid adults were running things. I kept wondering why the game had so many mistakes so often but I’ll cut the 12 year olds some slack.
I said this in my own thread about the BND packs the way to solve it is make them season only cards
I agree, I‘ve read several posts on here and we all seemed to mostly pull an average of 89s. I had better luck with them the first three seasons.
They just didn't increase the odds for the new season. All of the BND rare packs were god awful.
Yes sir they were awful. The game has progressed but there are still too many issues overall. I have missed this game but it was different 10 years ago plus I’m older so I won’t be buying it next year until I read good reviews which means I most likely won’t be buying.
I got my last 2 of the field pass and this was the first time i got over a 89, 2 91's ! Thanks for increasing the odds EA! I get one more from the logins coming but who cares i'll just hold on to it til next season see if anything changes.
I hope you get some pack luck from it but knowing Evil Arts you won’t. I would enjoy the game more and spend more if I had more luck. I have some good pulls but I’ve damn sure paid for them.
I also have to mention there’s a safety missing a face mask, cards with higher overall ratings have lower individual ratings than their predecessor cards and they can’t even take the time to make former stars like Michael Vick and Julius Peppers look like themselves or have their correct traits. Too much money involved to have so much wrong.
Everything you listed above is a huge reason why EA stock took a huge hit. The FIFA players were getting crapped on and they finally had enough and revolted, now EA is down approx 6 billion this year. It’s time for them to wake up
Season 4 packs have only had season 1 and 2 players for me. Glad they’re free but not worth the grind
just a lot of laziness in that office.
Spent 70K training yesterday and pulled 96 Payton, happy, but otherwise it all sucks
Nothing worse than opening the Season 4 BND packs and seeing the season 1 animation start for a card
I don't care if little kids are running this why can't we get a free champion every promo from solos??? It ain't rocket science, one BND champ for people who have the patience to do that isn't gonna affect the market what so ever. Not to mention the market is already cooked. Instead we get these silent plus packs that are straight garbage