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That's no surprise tbh
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That's no surprise tbh
maineventkrunch said:I got great pressure on him when I was on defense but let me tell you... couldn't do SHIT on offense. I rage quit. That DDA stuff is such bullshit.
For everyone that is going to tell me DDA is not real…… the game has programmed ability to adjust your players skill different than your opponents. Play the tower or even different modes in solo battles to see this.
Only question left….. would EA put this in head to head to get more money? If you say DDA doesn’t exist you are saying they are prioritizing honor over money. 🤭😆
if i may offer some advice, i think switch stickers (me) are easy to take advantage of. As long as you have a clearout route on the field you can just bait them. they will switch off a streak to cut off a corner route, for instance, just throw the streak a second later. i score a lot on people if i catch them being aggro on the stick
jabgawd said:if i may offer some advice, i think switch stickers (me) are easy to take advantage of. As long as you have a clearout route on the field you can just bait them. they will switch off a streak to cut off a corner route, for instance, just throw the streak a second later. i score a lot on people if i catch them being aggro on the stick
Honestly it's always so jarring to come across someone good with it because you get accustomed to just running into Cover 3 shaded down merchants who are just running around with their linebacker nonstop.
vucomedy said:Switch stick is absolutely a skill, and the amount of DDA rants on here is a bit excessive.
I am not a switch stick user myself and therefore I'm generally capped at about 13-15 wins in champ mode, have yet to hit 16.
I'm more of a weekend warrior so so be it, but to knock guys who can use it effectively is just being salty about it.
I would agree, yes dda is a problem. But this thread has gotten too much into it. Switch stick is a great skill, idk how tf to do it, but switch stick isn’t dda. Complete skill thing, and I don’t have the skill
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Fr they gotta do away with that ridiculousness
vucomedy said:Switch stick is absolutely a skill, and the amount of DDA rants on here is a bit excessive.
I am not a switch stick user myself and therefore I'm generally capped at about 13-15 wins in champ mode, have yet to hit 16.
I'm more of a weekend warrior so so be it, but to knock guys who can use it effectively is just being salty about it.
nah not salty...its a bail out for bad defense period......you should never be able to cover 60+ yds of the field...sounds like you are salty defending this trash
The game isn't even fun anymore. The first six months were good, but EA devs and their money grubbin hands got a hold of it after the execs realized it could make money. The game will never be good again
As someone who played defense in high school (in the ancient days) I think switch stick takes a lot of the chess match away in defensive scheming.
As everyone knows with regard to your teammates, offenses rely on finding and exploiting matchups with the more shakier guys on your squad combined with the fact that some area of the field is vulnerable in every scheme. Switch sticking basically takes that aspect away.
That said, it's a weapon on the table so I don't blame people for using it and it's a skill gap issue for me, but it shouldn't be that easy to cover that much of the field with a magical leaping user making picks at will. The game should be balanced between "real ball" knowledge and button pushing.
CogZoom said:As someone who played defense in high school (in the ancient days) I think switch stick takes a lot of the chess match away in defensive scheming.
As everyone knows with regard to your teammates, offenses rely on finding and exploiting matchups with the more shakier guys on your squad combined with the fact that some area of the field is vulnerable in every scheme. Switch sticking basically takes that aspect away.
That said, it's a weapon on the table so I don't blame people for using it and it's a skill gap issue for me, but it shouldn't be that easy to cover that much of the field with a magical leaping user making picks at will. The game should be balanced between "real ball" knowledge and button pushing.
I say this exact thing to my buddy in squads after we start throwing picks that absolutely wouldn't be picked off in real life. It's such a bummer sometimes.
maineventkrunch said:I say this exact thing to my buddy in squads after we start throwing picks that absolutely wouldn't be picked off in real life. It's such a bummer sometimes.
Still new to this game after taking a decade long break from video games, but this is basically why I changed my team philosophy. I've built a ball control/run first team and try to keep my passing game high % RPOs, boots, etc. minimizing how much I'm trying to throw downfield until I can coax the defense up.
On defense I do the exact opposite, given how many players try to aggressively push the ball downfield I built a zone based D and make them make the right reads. If they show they can, I start bringing 5 or 6. This typically yields a lot of CPU assist interceptions and hopefully a possession advantage.
I'm only an average player, but this strategy usually keeps me in most games with all but the best H2H players.