I didn't really buy into DDA being real or super bad at least up until I tried cfp championship games. Holy shit I got torched by 91 ovrs and my dbs forgot how to play. Was undefeated up until championship
I know I can't be the only person experiencing the ungodly amounts of DDA that this game has been doing since the holiday season. I was playing a team that was 89 OVR last night and all his d-line got instant sheds on my o-line it did not matter if it was a run or pass play his d-line full of 88s made my line full of 93-95 ovr players look like a pee-wee football team, additionally my receivers whom of which are Cam Camper, DK, and Treadwell were stuck in mud for lack of better term and could not create any sort of separation even if their lives depended on it, my brand new 95 ovr eric dickerson gets hawked down by brian bosworth. Defensively dont even get me started with my d-line literally getting blown off the ball so bad they are in my LB's and Db's laps before they can even react (if they even react at all), he threw a ball into double coverage with 96 honey badger and 95 nate wiggins to his 90 ovr receiver and none of my DB's made any sort of attempt to play the ball or receiver. I know DDA has been a hot topic on this forum for a while now but this is beyond ridiculous what is the point of dropping new cards and enticing people to get new cards if it doesnt even matter, this game was a ton of fun for me prior to the holiday season now its just a living nightmare that makes me want to uninstall and never purchase another game from EA sports again.
love watching a 93 speed RB with ZERO route running destroy my cbs lol