Nightmare Showdown solos wont let me play them, first one gives me an error and kicks me to the main menu. Anyone else, and is there a workaround?
I played but didn’t get any rewards. This is 💩
UncleNahshon said:I played but didn’t get any rewards. This is 💩
Top tier quality control from this company man
GameAce92 said:Nightmare Showdown solos wont let me play them, first one gives me an error and kicks me to the main menu. Anyone else, and is there a workaround?
Same thing happened to me, twice. I switched my active lineup and it worked fine both times. If you don't have any other lineups, I'm sure creating a new one will work.
I really hate these solos. Not only does it switch your teams and playbooks and makes me play jinga with my line up to maybe let me play... It gives me the minimum reward every time!
I get the rewards but all labeled as 88 only not 88 plus
FloorGeneral said:Same thing happened to me, twice. I switched my active lineup and it worked fine both times. If you don't have any other lineups, I'm sure creating a new one will work.
sooo aggravating I had to do the same with the CFP prologue had to take out all my backups