Well i cant lie boys I came home from work and opened everything and I would be lying if I said I got screwed. Season 4 locker gave me the Slot CB from Colorado 95 ovr and the XL locker gave me a 93 WR and the large gave me a 92 LG so I def didn’t get it as bad as everyone else it seems. Sometimes working and not being able to rip open stuff immediately is a blessing
Anyone got an update on the lockers?
Are they fixed?
XL locker got me the 91 RG. Eff this.
Lockers were fixed. Shoulda waited lmao
mk505793 said:True, but to "charge" 650 Trophies for an extra large Locker to get an 89 when an 90 OVR is 30 Trophies! in the Store!?!
That's f'd up beyond belief. Even for EA I'm shocked, surprised, and appalled. I'm glad I came here first. I'll wait to open these for awhile.
EA knew what they were doing lol ......hooked up a ltd followed by BS...EA greedy gnawing rats
I barely play cfb but I can confirm that it was a glitch. Just opened mine (all I had was 3 season 4 lockers) and I pulled 3 90s instead of the 1 coin everyone was getting earlier.
mammory51 said:Well, those lockers were something else, especially the one coin S4 locker packs. Wow. 🤯 😂
Did everyone else get burned on these, too?
what a joke…
I got a 90 overall in xl locker. What a joke. I thought it would be 95 overall.
Just got home. Pulled a 94 and 2 90s in season 4 lockers.
Small lockers 86 and 83.
Edit.... just bought a large locker. Pulled 93 Suh.
Tempted to buy the xl.
kyledaboar said:wasted all my trophies on the extra large to get an 89 ovr, what a damn joke
Yep. I got 90
mk505793 said:Yeah, has to be a Scam! An 89 out of Extra Large Locker, an 87 out the Large Locker... and the icing on the cake were 3x 1 Coin QS from S4 Lockers!!! They can not be serious
I got an 89 overall te straight trash as well
I just opened all of mine at about 5:50 pm est and I think they fixed them bc my season 4 lockers had players in them and I pulled a 92 and 93 from the large locker and bunch of 90s . hopefully there’s makerights for yall. But it’s ea so I doubt theyll even mention what happened.
fuck this game
Just got home from work and had 9 lockers to open including an Extra LArge Locker from when I won the semi final.
Extra Large Locker = 90 SS RJ Mickens ...... embarassing EA even by your standards
2 Large Lockers -- 87 DT D Alexander and 92 A Anthony... yes an 87 Large Locker
6 other cards 90,90,90, 83,83,83
Typical EA, nothing ever really changes with these folks