Ncaa feels like madden now slow and sluggish cbs not reactive cod horrible now defense dropping mad pics ppl bouncing off hits sticks miss the old ncaa before the updates gameplay use to be alot better an fast pace now it has maddens movement mechanics smh
Jacobfromcali said:Ncaa feels like madden now slow and sluggish cbs not reactive cod horrible now defense dropping mad pics ppl bouncing off hits sticks miss the old ncaa before the updates gameplay use to be alot better an fast pace now it has maddens movement mechanics smh
agreed....also abilities are killing this game
Smh what have they done gameplay use to be alot better than now there basically the same when before they use to run very different cfb was alot more fast paced and defense would actually react i hate when they update the game an make it worse
Good luck landing a hit stick now and when you do they just bounce off even though I'm a linebacker with 95 hit power hitting a running back
I did feel like offense was easier earlier in the year before the high end cards and abilities. Especially running the ball
Yeah I feel like something is bugged. Bc I got bush with 97 speed and 97 acc and hes low some times and fast the other. without wear and tear he’s getting caught by linebackers. That’s goes for all my players. People are being cheesy af now too more than they were. this game is definitely starting to feel like madden and I hate it.
Jacobfromcali said:Ncaa feels like madden now slow and sluggish cbs not reactive cod horrible now defense dropping mad pics ppl bouncing off hits sticks miss the old ncaa before the updates gameplay use to be alot better an fast pace now it has maddens movement mechanics smh
Man I was just thinking this today. they Did SOMETHING. Call it DDA or whatever but I’ve got MLB running in circles, Edge not even getting close to containing. feels like my players are being pulled into a vacuum at times. like running in mud with concrete boots. Then sometimes it just speeds up randomly. like no consistency to gameplay at all.
Rmc81 said:Man I was just thinking this today. they Did SOMETHING. Call it DDA or whatever but I’ve got MLB running in circles, Edge not even getting close to containing. feels like my players are being pulled into a vacuum at times. like running in mud with concrete boots. Then sometimes it just speeds up randomly. like no consistency to gameplay at all.
I've been wondering about this. Sometimes my QB runs with concrete boots and other times he runs like a bolt of lightning. The inconsistency is STUPID and it needs to stop.
flugamenasty said:Yeah I feel like something is bugged. Bc I got bush with 97 speed and 97 acc and hes low some times and fast the other. without wear and tear he’s getting caught by linebackers. That’s goes for all my players. People are being cheesy af now too more than they were. this game is definitely starting to feel like madden and I hate it.
Facts bro my 87 bosworth mlb chase down reggie bush who had a free kick off return hawked him down
Rmc81 said:Man I was just thinking this today. they Did SOMETHING. Call it DDA or whatever but I’ve got MLB running in circles, Edge not even getting close to containing. feels like my players are being pulled into a vacuum at times. like running in mud with concrete boots. Then sometimes it just speeds up randomly. like no consistency to gameplay at all.
Exactly I been dealing with this for a while now. I’m so tired of it.
Jacobfromcali said:Facts bro my 87 bosworth mlb chase down reggie bush who had a free kick off return hawked him down
I thought I was going crazy, glad to see it’s not only me. Reggie bush (97 speed) getting hawked by a LB made me think I broke my controller again 😂
Rmc81 said:Man I was just thinking this today. they Did SOMETHING. Call it DDA or whatever but I’ve got MLB running in circles, Edge not even getting close to containing. feels like my players are being pulled into a vacuum at times. like running in mud with concrete boots. Then sometimes it just speeds up randomly. like no consistency to gameplay at all.
Facts bro feels like I'm running and hauling sleds at the same time each update they maddenize the game more and more with each update it's not fun to play no more and embarrassing same reason I switched from madden to cfb and loved the gameplay now unfortunately there the same game with recent update
That DDA stuff should be banned. I understand making the game competitive but if we invest time into building a great squad and an 86 overall comes in faster and stronger in game, then what's the point in building a great team? Skills are out of the window when EA makes your players play worse than lower competition.
speed doesnt matter anymore, the worst teams can still compete with the best teams... my budget-beast, sub-90 overalls deserve every right to be able to hawk down reggie bush going full speed, its only fair to us that don't have money to blow on this game. I personally enjoy the new changes, it evens the playing ground for us brokies that can't afford packs... but that's just my opinion.