MMG for entertainment and cc2 for information
benjaminb said:Hey everyone i was wondering if yall had some good cfb youtubers
For me there are two. For entertainment it’s MMG. For learning how to be better, it’s Kurt Benkert (if I misspelled his name, my bad). The only downside is Kurt probably plays more Madden than CFB.
fullsendaj1 said:Dyl cfb and sushiboy ac are pretty good
sushi boy ac the best by far imo
EuroGangBang said:They’re all frauds
Verified weirdo lol. Theyre just content creators
DaMadLaberWaLabsAt12 said:Are any of them actually good at the game? No. Do some of them make useful or entertaining content? Yes.
Bros arguably never watched any of them b4, Civils really good tbh. So is TyCFB, Zirk is alright, & CC mostly uses Exploits but he still wins Gauntlets
mmg hands down
benjaminb said:Hey everyone i was wondering if yall had some good cfb youtubers
dyl cfb is pretty informative so is Tycfb , but the most funny and entertaining has to be ZooBear
Anyone who says MMG is lying. Dudes become a master of cringe. If you’re like 13 or less I’d think you can find him entertaining