What’s ya’ll’s favorite uniforms and stadiums in CUT?
I use the Coastal Carolina stadium with Florida gators uniform or I use UT Texas stadium and uniforms!
I use WKU home unis with their stadium. I will occasionally switch to MTSU and their home stadium as well since they're my favorite team, but the WKU chrome helmets looks so nice in game I usually just stick with them.
For away, I usually switch between MTSU (favorite team), Coastal Carolina (I like the teal color scheme), and Kansas (love their logo).
I use the new Nissan Juke whatever stadium where I pretend every game is a bowl/playoff game. I also always use A&M's uniforms.
Tennessee for all.
i use sam houston stadium its the smallest stadium in the game i think it looks like a high school varsity game lmao. and unis whatever looks fire or i use USC given im from Los Angeles
We need some alt uniforms like some black outs
Malone Stadium (UL Monroe) to troll. Vandy unis home and away
tripleoption said:Malone Stadium (UL Monroe) to troll. Vandy unis home and away
Whats wrong with UL Monroe’s Stadium?
Akenrec said:Whats wrong with UL Monroe’s Stadium?
Nothing exactly, t just has like 1000 seats total, farm in background, track in back, and our nothingness